Ask a Vendor

The “Ask a Vendor” column allows us to share the thoughts and wisdom of the diverse group of people who make up the Denver VOICE vendor pool. Do you have a question for  VOICE vendors? See below for more information on how to submit it.


What do you hope to accomplish in 2017?


Dwayne Pride

I hope to get off the waiting list for the apartment complex that I have been waiting for since last year.

Raelene Johnson

I hope this year to be able to help more people than I did last year. I want to find more ways to volunteer, more ways to help the homeless. If everyone would help one or two people, the world would be a better place. Just look out for everyone, the karma that comes back to you will be worth it.

T.J. Jackson

I hope the government gives me my Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance. They denied me ten times over the years and I am very, very ill—or should I say sick. I would also like to get a low-income apartment and I want to get my driver’s license back and get a car.

Another thing I will continue to do is get closer to my heavenly father, God. I will continue to sell the VOICE because it is fun and the people I meet downtown are very nice to me.


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